Friday, July 12, 2013

Intro to Myself.

Hello, Internet. My name is Christina (which you've seen in the title of this blog), and I am the newest member of this blogger world...or at least I'd like to be.


Well, in a week or so, I will be on a flight to NYC for a fashion program. But it's not just any fashion program, ITS IN THE HEART OF MANHATTAN! So this blog is really going to be a documentation of my "concrete week in the manhattheat". Catchy, isn't it?

Soon, manhattheat will be filled with pictures, thoughts, and new friends from my first visit to New York City. Hopefully, this first time will be more than just a taste of my future life.

Please, come back later to see basically everything from my adventure.

You can see links to my other uhh networks in the sidebar once I figure out how to do that.


And who knows, maybe this blog will keep going... 

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